Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Letter to Obama (Draft 2)

Dear President Obama,
Congratulations on winning the election. That is a great accomplishment. Now that you are our commander and chief, I was hoping that you would work on getting some issues taken care of. My hope is that you will work on the economy. As a high school student, I am now preparing to enter the working world. I have strong hopes that you will be able to help the country get on the right track for getting out of debt, that you will help create more jobs for the people who really need them, and perhaps most importantly, help people like me to have hope for a stable economy when I graduate.
Thank you for your time,
Kate Kammauff

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

This letter definitely needs some more length.

(C)ommander and (C)hief

Do you have some suggestions as to how he might do these things?