Sunday, November 30, 2008

What about peace? (draft 2)

Peace is devoted,
peace is gentle.
Peace is compassionate,
and peace is concord.

Peace listens to all,
never shutting its ears.
It resolves all issues,
mends all problems.

Peace is by no means silent,
its lips never sealed.
It whispers in hushed tones,
until someone listens.

Peace is influence,
the solution to revolution.
Expanding in those who follow.

Be peace,
embody it, and dwell in it.
Love it, and share it.
That's true peace.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Peace (1st Draft)

What about peace?
Is it war?
Is it crime?
Is it hate?

Peace is loving,
peace is kind.
Peace is caring, and
peace is never blind.

Peace sees everything,
never turning its back.
It can resolve any issue,
and fix any problem.

Peace is the power,
the solution to change.
Growing in all who spread it.

Be peace,
embody it and live it.
Love it and share it.

That's peace,
that's what it's about.