Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Wedding (Draft 2)

Okay, here we go. Take deep breathes Meghan, you can do this. Just keep breathing. It’s about to begin. You love him and now you’re going to marry him. Really, are you sure you can do this? It’s a huge step. Wait what; of course I can do this. I love him. My whole family is here and I’m ready.

Alright, the music has begun, time for Winkie to walk down the isle. That flower girl dress looks so cute on her. Oh my gosh, where is my bouquet?! “Meghan, here, you don’t want to forget this.” “Thanks Kitty, I totally forgot you had them.” These flowers are perfect. They go with everything so well. Mom did such a good job picking them out. There go the bride’s maids, I’m up next! Calm down, smile, and don’t trip. Pretend it’s just like last night at the rehearsal. “Okay Meghan, breathe and go.”

Step…Step…and Step. I got this. This is nothing just keep smiling and look ahead. Awe, there is Mom and Memaw. Memaw looks spankin’! Look at all my girls, they are all so gorgeous. Don’t cry, keep it together, you don’t want black lines running down your cheeks. I don’t think I have ever felt this much love in just one place. My family and Ed’s family together, this is wonderful. I can’t wait to start my life with Bird, he’s everything I ever wanted.

Five more steps and I’ll be there. One, two, three. Slow down you’re walking too fast. Four, five. The music has stopped and Father Kaufman has begun. I think I better stop talking to myself now. Focus and say the right things.

“You may kiss the bride.” It’s over, that was so easy. Why was I so worked up again? It’s time to party! I can’t wait to dance with Dad. It’s going to be a major highlight of my wedding. Wait, I am married! I’m Misses Meghan Amerson! Oh, yeah, it is time to hit the dance floor.

I can’t wait to get across the street these heals are killing me. I hear the music pumpin’. Can’t we walk a little faster? Oh, thanks. It’s like they can hear my thoughts. I’m not saying this out loud, am I? Good no one laughed; I’m still talking to myself. Yes we’re here. I think I’m going to go against my plan. I’ll throw the bouquet first. “Can all the single ladies circle around I’m going to throw the bouquet now.” Wow that was quick. I hope one of the bride’s maids catches it. That would be perfect. It would be hilarious if Winkie or Kitty caught it. They are so young and funny. I love them so much. Kitty looks closer to twenty then twelve though. Where has little Kat gone? Oh, yeah, I need to throw these. Three, two, one, there they go. Oh yes, Kitty caught them. This truly is the perfect wedding. “Kat, come give me a hug!”